
Award program "Ukraine is Europe!"

The award "Ukraine is Europe!" is issued to OM/SWL for contacts with radio stations that actively support the Ukrainian people's longing for a European vector.

The award "Ukraine is Europe!" is issued to OM/SWL for contacts with radio stations that actively support the Ukrainian people's longing for a European vector.
Available to all licensed amateurs and SWLs.
The award program may use contacts after 25 November 2013 on all bands and all modes.
Ukrainian participants of the program send their location as the city/Ukraine/Europe (city/UKR/EU) or/and announce during QSO their participation in this program.

Ukrainian stations: 50 QSO in the program.
Others stations: 1 QSO with station that operated in the program as /P or /A (operating in the outdoors) or 10 QSO with stations that operated in the program from their home QTH.
SWLs: 50 HRD QSO with stations that operated in the program as /P.

The award is free of charge in the electronic version and it is sent by e-mail.
Application in ADIF or CABRILLO format should be sent to award manager:
Ihor Sokorchuk, UR3LCM

©Ihor Sokorchuk (UR3LCM), 2010-2013